個人的に詐欺会社認定しているPlanet Computerだが、一つ見落としがあった.
サポートに質問や意見のメールを投げると、[Request received] と言うオートリプライが来る.
Planet ComputerではカスタマサポートにZENDESKを利用しているようで、おそらく管理番号が振られるのだろう.
こう書くとハードクレームを入れいてるように見えるかもしれないが、返信は今回含めて2回しか送っていない. 8月中旬までに発送メールがなかったらリプライをくれ、と言う担当のメールに従って送ったのと、リプライがないのはどうしてだ? と言う2回のみだ.
それで今この詐欺会社 Planet Computersのサイト(https://store.planetcom.co.uk/products/astro-slide)を見るとまだ詐欺行為を働いているようだ.
Keyboard: US Keyboard (with US Power Plug) - PRE-ORDER - DELIVERY EXP. SEPTEMBER '22
DELIVERY EXP は、僕の腐った英語力では ”配送予定”、”配送期限” と言う意味だと捉えている. 今日は9月30日だ. 絶対に発送されるわけがない.
価格も僕が買った時は12万円だったが現在14万円になっている. こう言うところだけ円安を追随して価格を見直しているんだな.
Planet Computer, which I personally consider a scam company, has one thing that I have overlooked.
When I send an email to support with a question or comment, I get an auto-reply saying [Request received].
It seems that Planet Computer uses ZENDESK for customer support and probably assigns a control number.
Based on this number, the customer support representative will follow up with an e-mail.
So I noticed that I did not receive this auto-reply e-mail.
I tried to resend the message, but no reply e-mail came.
I don't know if Zendesk has been suspended or if I am blacklisted by e-mail message-id or my e-mail address.
It may seem like I am making hard claims, but I have only sent two replies, including this one. I have only sent two replies including this one, one to the person in charge who told me to send a reply if I did not receive a dispatch e-mail by mid-August, and the other to ask why I did not receive a reply. And twice to ask why I have not received a reply.
Now I check the website of this scam company, Planet Computers (https://store.planetcom.co.uk/products/astro-slide), and it seems that they are still trying to work the scam.
I added it to my cart and checked the delivery date.
Keyboard: US Keyboard (with US Power Plug) - PRE-ORDER - DELIVERY EXP. SEPTEMBER '22
The "DELIVERY EXP" is supposed to mean "delivery schedule" or "delivery deadline" according to my poor English. Today is September 30. It will never be shipped.
Or maybe the '22 means the year 2122, which I think is the year 2022....
I wonder if they think that as long as they write "PRE-ORDER", the payment will go A.S.A.P. through and then they don't need to send the product....
The price was 120,000 yen when I bought it, but it is now 140,000 yen. I guess they are revising their prices to keep up with the weak yen....
I guarantee that if you buy from this site, you will never receive your order. As of today, the company is a complete scam.